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It was a time to celebrate, to pray and to hope. Hundreds of friends, family members, colleagues and supporters of newly elected Gov. Mike Kehoe joined him and Bishop W. Shawn McKnight at Mass … more
CLICK HERE to read a related story. HAGA CLIC AQUÍ para leer un informe relacionado en español. The Jubilee Year of Pilgrims of Hope invites all of us into a season of … more
CLICK HERE to see a gallery of photos from the Opening Mass. CLICK HERE to read a related article on norms for receiving a plenary indulgence during the Jubilee Year. CLICK HERE to read a … more
Jonathan Pund thought people in his “Parishes as Communities of the Beatitudes” faith-sharing group might hold back somewhat because the bishop was participating with them. The Holy … more
CLICK HERE to see a video clip of Kathleen Basi and Katie Wills performing together. SCROLL THE ARROWS to see more photos. Kathleen Basi and Katie Wills are Catholic composers, musicians … more
CLICK ON THE ARROWS to see additional photos.   Msgr. Robert A. Kurwicki, vicar general of the Jefferson City diocese, pastor of St. Peter Parish in Jefferson City, and chaplain of the … more
Este Año de Jubileo: Peregrinos de la Esperanza, nos invita a todos a una época de renovación, un tiempo para abrazar la esperanza que Cristo nos ofrece, especialmente ante los … more
The Church recognizes that sin has two distinct consequences: destruction of a person’s communion with God, and an unhealthy attachment to things of this earth. The relationship with God … more
The proclamation of the date of Easter and the other moveable feasts on the Feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord dates from a time when calendars were not readily available. It was necessary to … more
CLICK HERE to read the text of Bishop McKnight’s homily CLICK HERE to see a gallery of photos from Fr. Clever’s Ordination Mass. CLICK HERE to see a gallery of photos from Fr. … more
CLICK HERE to read a related story. Bishop McKnight preached the following homily Dec. 7 during the Ordination Mass for Father Gregory Clever: In this season of Advent, a season of joyful … more
Some who were raised to observe the Ten Commandments as the yardstick for discipleship are discovering The Beatitudes in several communities for seniors in the diocese. With facilitators from … more
The best-laid plans are no match for what God has in mind for every individual he creates. The key is to trust and follow him. “That’s not to say that what you have planned out … more
SCROLL THE ARROWS  to see more photos.  “I am willing to do whatever it is you want, no matter what it is ... I have a missionary soul, lead me to the land that thirsts for … more
Lois Thomas has been encountering Christ in prison for three decades. She recognizes him and affirms his presence within each of the incarcerated men and women she visits on God’s behalf. … more
Who in the world is Rev. Mr. Gregory Joseph John Clever? “A child of God,” he stated. “When you’re baptized, you’re in a covenant relationship with God, which means … more
Vocation ministry is not just a few people who help others answer the universal call to holiness and find their own particular vocation in the Church. It’s about creating a pervasive … more
Sacred music’s power to move hearts and orient people toward unity with God and his entire Church has been evident since Christianity’s earliest days. Recognizing that power, and … more
CLICK HERE to see a highlight video from the Women’s Fall Retreat and the Diocesan Youth Rally. https://www.facebook.com/diojeffcity/videos/457303760804226 CLICK HERE to see a gallery … more
CLICK HERE to see a gallery of photos from the Mass. The priest who preached at Father Stephen Jones’s Anglican ordination 24 years ago dropped some heavy words from a saint on him. … more
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