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One of our granddaughters was involved in a horticulture project at school.  Eager to pass on her learning, she told her little brother some of the things he should be doing for the aloe … more
Music inspires and uplifts us. It connects us to loved ones and special memories. When I hear a hymn my mother or father loved, my heart is warm. It’s as if we are reunited, despite … more
CLICK HERE to read a related perspective CLICK HERE to read a related story. HAGA CLIC AQUÍ para leer este mensaje en español. When we sing together in the liturgy, the … more
La música nos inspira y eleva. Nos conecta con nuestros seres queridos y recuerdos especiales. Cuando escucho un himno que le gustaba mi madre o mi padre, mi corazón se llena de … more
Cuando cantamos juntos en la liturgia, el Espíritu Santo se mueve entre nosotros. El canto litúrgico es un acto de fe que resuena profundamente en nuestros corazones; no es solo la … more
Jesus quotes Isaiah to define his mission: “He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free.” In this spirit of … more
CLICK HERE to read a related story. HAGA CLIC AQUÍ para leer un informe relacionado en español. The Jubilee Year of Pilgrims of Hope invites all of us into a season of … more
Este Año de Jubileo: Peregrinos de la Esperanza, nos invita a todos a una época de renovación, un tiempo para abrazar la esperanza que Cristo nos ofrece, especialmente ante los … more
We call the Sabbath the Lord’s Day, a day of rest. Most of us don’t work on Sundays, but that’s where the rest ends. We fill them with a flurry of activities, as if busyness is … more
CLICK HERE to read a related story. Bishop McKnight preached the following homily Dec. 7 during the Ordination Mass for Father Gregory Clever: In this season of Advent, a season of joyful … more
We’ve all been there. The obligatory Christmas pageants: where our related little ones try to recapture the simple essence of Christmas in story and song. This one, like most, was … more
As the first Advent candle flickered, the reality suddenly dawned on me: it’s December! It’s not like I didn’t know it was coming. I had filled my calendar with December dates … more
It’s the month of saints and sinners. In church, we have a large scroll with the names of the parishioners who died in the past year. Saints and sinners all. Looking at the list, I … more
Coincidence or providence?  In the gospel reading on the Sunday before Election Day, Jesus is asked about the greatest commandment. “You shall love the Lord your God with all … more
I heard the disruption of the quiet fall afternoon from inside the house. It sounded as if everything was enveloped in a cloud of incessant clicks and whistles. Stepping outside, I found the … more
The act of voting is an expression of faith. When we make our choices this Election Day, we are empowered in that moment to advocate for justice, uphold human dignity, and promote the values of … more
We gathered on the shores of Lake Norman. We were physicists, lawyers, engineers, business owners, and assorted others like me. What we all had in common was time. Long before we were … more
During the Protestant Reformation, there were many attacks made against the purported teaching of the Church on the Eucharist. Pamphlets appeared, showing a giant Christ bearing marks of the … more
“Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.” That’s in Chapter 8 of Mark. In the very next chapter, those faithful followers were … more
Another sign of aging is when the “oldies” station plays a song that was a hit in your mid-40s. The Spice Girls were singing “Tell me what you want, what you really, really … more
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