Catholic Charities of Central and Northern Missouri (CCCNMO) is committed to caring for our neighbors in need throughout the Diocese of Jefferson City.
Within the Community Services program, that mission is realized through disaster services, predatory loan relief, HUD-certified housing counseling, social-emotional care, wrap-around support services, and community connections. Catholic Charities staff Julia Hinton and Tessa McIntyre encounter community members with compassion and dignity, delivering specialized services that help individuals and families achieve stability.
This small but mighty team empowers families and strengthens communities in 38 Missouri counties, a goal that is only made possible with the support of the 91 diocesan parishes and an expanding network of partners, providers, volunteers and other contributors.
As we welcome the new year with renewed resolutions, we hope that you enjoy these stories of success that highlight our call to family, community and participation.
What is success?
For programs that focus on individualized services and client-centered care, defining and measuring success can be challenging.
What we do know is that providing the tools and resources for individuals to strengthen family/social relationships, become actively involved in their community and build a safe and stable environment has a significant impact on sustainability and self-sufficiency.
Catholic Social Teaching (CST) helps us understand that social relationships and community involvement have a direct impact on human dignity and development.
Participating in society in a way that considers the needs of the poor and vulnerable is at the heart of the call to family, community and participation.
Pope St. John Paul II wrote, “While building up the Church in love, the Christian family places itself at the service of the human person and the world, ‘…so that it does not live closed in on itself, but remains open to the community, moved by a sense of justice and concern for others, as well as by a consciousness of its responsibility towards the whole of society,’” (“The Family in the Modern World; Familiaris Consortio, no. 64).
Not only is this element of CST embedded in Catholic Charities mission statement, but it is also considered an integral part of service delivery.
Whether we are working to build capacity within our agency or within a specific client’s social/community network, we are stronger together.
Housing counseling
Julia, a HUD-certified housing counselor, recently received a request from a Columbia resident who needed assistance repairing their home.
While individual counseling covers a broad range of housing topics, the scope of Janet’s* home repairs required additional support to resolve.
After meeting with the homeowner to better understand her needs and challenges, Julia requested help from Fr. Dan Merz, who organized a response from parishioners of St. Thomas More Newman Center and Sacred Heart Church, as well as local Knights of Columbus Councils 7231 and 14414. Their prompt response and generosity are a beautiful witness of our Catholic faith (and social teachings) in action, allowing Janet to maintain safe and affordable housing.
Predatory loan relief
The Catholic Charities Food Pantry not only provides food security but also provides neighbors the opportunity to explore resources, develop social relationships, and strengthen community connections.
While shopping at the pantry, one neighbor learned about the agency’s Predatory Loan Relief program and the upcoming group classes being offered on Saturday mornings.
This information came at the perfect time, as Susan* was facing financial challenges after taking out a title loan to cover unexpected vehicle repairs.
While the repairs were necessary to maintain employment, the high interest rates had caused a cycle of financial uncertainty.
With the support of Tessa, Financial Stability Specialist, Susan joined our financial education classes, determined to regain stability.
She developed a budget, eliminated non-essential spending, refinanced her predatory loan into a lower-interest personal loan through Mid America Bank, and opened a savings account.
When asked about her savings plan, Susan identified her desire to budget/save for a modest Christmas fund.
Her perseverance allowed her to not only make progress on reducing personal debt, but also enabled her to achieve her savings goal and participate in her family’s holiday gift exchange (something that had not been possible for several years).
In this instance, the impact and scope of the Predatory Loan Program is strengthened by the support of the Catholic Charities Food Pantry, group class volunteers and peer participants, a reliable banking partner, and Susan’s family members, allowing Tessa to continue assisting Susan on her journey toward financial independence.
Disaster relief services
The importance of community involvement is often seen in disaster services.
Catholic Charities promotes cross-training, assists with preparedness and planning initiatives, and participates in local disaster recovery efforts in the Diocese of Jefferson City.
Last December, three Catholic Charities staff members attended the Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) Applied Institute for Disaster Excellence and are now certified by CCUSA to provide Disaster Case Management.
Cross-training allows us to serve individuals and contribute to community planning initiatives, such as the formation of the Cole Co. Community Organizations Active in Disasters.
This whole community organization brings together individuals, local businesses, private sector participants, and state agencies into an integrated framework of preparation for emergency response.
A community-wide approach such as this is critical in the aftermath of a disaster.
Following the August 2023 tornado in Baring, Mo., Catholic Charities staff helped allocate over $23,000 to recovery efforts, supporting the Baring Area Recovery Team in their road to disaster recovery.
We hope these success stories from the Community Services team inspire you to unite with your family and faith community to answer the call to family, community and participation and renew our commitment to building a society in which the dignity of each person is recognized and protected.
*Names have been changed to honor client confidentiality.
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2207 W. Main St.
Jefferson City MO 65109-0914
(573) 635-9127