Knights of Columbus St. Robert Bellarmine Council 5401 celebrates 60 years of service


Ladies of the Altar and Rosary Society of St. Robert Bellarmine Parish in St. Robert celebrated the St. Robert Knights of Columbus council’s 60th year of memberships by preparing and serving dinner to the Knights.

Altar and Rosary Society President Charline O’Neil baked a special cake with the Knight’s logo, which was cut by outgoing Grand Knight Steve Hoffman and incoming Grand Knight Dominic Pemberton.

A Ladies Altar and Rosary Society member and wife of a Knight who was a member for 59 of the 60 years, congratulated the Knights and shared many of the outreach projects the council has completed in the Church and community in these past six decades.

She stated how their generosity and caring has impacted local residents, as well as St. Robert Bellarmine parishioners.

“There is something beautifully handsome,” she added, “about a man who is sincerely dedicated to his faith, family and community — put an apron on him and a kitchen towel in his hand and he becomes our Knight in shining armor.”
