The Catholic Missourian

Official newspaper — Diocese of Jefferson City
Published at 2207 W. Main St., Jefferson City
Mailing address: 2207 W Main St, Jefferson City, MO 65109-0914
Phone: 573-635-9127

“A diocesan paper serves as a bond of unity by publishing diocesan happenings and promulgating official regulations and decrees. It also plays a teaching role by reporting notable events of a religious and secular nature, and interpreting them in the light of Christian principles.”

— Bishop Joseph M. Marling C.PP.S. July 7, 1957

Bishop W. Shawn McKnight, Publisher
Jacob Luecke, Director of Diocesan Communications
Jay Nies, Editor
Kelly Martin, Advertising Coordinator

Subscription rates: Through parish plan $14 annually.
Periodical postage paid at: Jefferson City, MO 65101 and additional mailing offices.
Print edition published bi-weekly (26 times a year), online edition continuously updated. 
Send address changes to THE CATHOLIC MISSOURIAN, 2207 West Main Street, Jefferson City, MO 65109-0914.
Phone: 573-635-9127