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Msgr. Robert A. Kurwicki, vicar general of the Jefferson City diocese, pastor of St. Peter Parish in Jefferson City, and chaplain of the Missouri House of Representatives, led the House in praying the following prayer on Jan. 8, the opening day of the 2025 Legislative Session:
“Bear ye one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ. – Galatians 6:2
Eternal God, our Creator, before the work of a new year and session begins, we will be still in your presence and receive the invocation of your spirit.
May the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable in your sight. Cleansed by your forgiving love, made stronger by your spirit, and becoming wise with your wisdom we would face the unfinished tasks committed to our care this day.
These are times which call for greater courage, higher wisdom, broader sympathy, and deeper faith. May they increasingly become ours as we wait upon you.
In all our decisions and in all our doing may we keep our hearts confident, our spirits courageous, our minds clear, and our hands clean.
Together may we move forward to a greater day for our Missouri citizens.
And the House says, “Amen!”
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