Frankenstein students suggest birthday gifts for baby Jesus


The students of St. Mary School in Frankenstein answered the question:

“What do you think the baby Jesus would like for His birthday?”

First grade

Max: To be helpful by cleaning.


Grant: Listening to Mom.


Landon: To be more loving.


Westin: Being helpful to help my dad.


Everett: I will be prayerful.


James: To be more loving.

Second Grade

Callie: To try to be nice to my friend.

Gunner: To be helpful by helping my mom and dad.

Lizzy: To be joyful.

Third Grade

Timothy: I would give Jesus the gift of being nice to others. He would like this because He was nice to other people and He would like me to be nice to others. 

Clayton: I would give Jesus the gift of being nice to others. He would appreciate this.

Fourth Grade

Jacie: I would give baby Jesus hope and love for His birthday. This would be an awesome gift because He did a lot of things for us.

Kenzie: I would give baby Jesus good behavior, hope, love and my attention for His birthday.

Fifth grade

Jaylynn: My gift to Jesus is to be a better version of myself and to grow my relationship with God. I wanted to give God and Jesus a great present. I’m going to do this by being nicer to my brother and paying more attention in church. I chose to build my relationship because God wants us all to do that. He wanted a relationship so badly, He gave us His only son, Jesus.

Will: My gift to Jesus is spending time with Him. I spend time with him when I sing songs to Him. I go to church and participate in Mass to build my relationship with Jesus. I also pray to stay close to Him. Those are my gifts to Jesus.

Caleb: My gift to Jesus is my heart. I can give my heart by praying more. He can be a part of my heart. He can put nice thoughts in my heart. When the devil gets in my heart, Jesus will get him out.

Sixth grade

Melanie: I think Jesus would like to have a good relationship with me as a gift. I try to give this to Him by praying to Him every night and watching the Masses. God’s not asking much from me when He asks for a good relationship with us. There are many things to distract us from God, and I need to make sure I leave time to talk to God. God created all of us and I try to spend some time every day to thank Him. To get a better relationship with God, there are many other things I could do besides thanking Him. I could follow the Ten Commandments, talk to Him, and study the Scriptures. Although gold, frankincense and myrrh are good presents, what God really wants is a good relationship with us.

Seventh grade

Eli: My gift to Jesus will be my love and generosity to all people and to God. I’ll be kind to all. I will help anyone who needs help. Most of all, I will make a relationship with God. That is my gift. I can help my friends with their homework and their school jobs if needed. I can help if someone gets hurt. I can make a relationship with God by praying and listening to Him. I can help out around the community.

Jenna: My gift to Jesus is my love. Love is one way to make a strong relationship. Praying and going to church are other ways to build a relationship with Jesus. Love is a good gift for Jesus. We give Him love because He gave us eternal life in heaven. He gave us love first. He loves us so much that He gave us the gift to go to heaven. So love is my gift to Jesus.

Kendra: I want to give Jesus love on Earth by helping others in need. I could help my neighbor in need by helping them out with yard work. I could help others by giving them food, clothes and toys. I want to give Jesus the gift of helping others. Helping others in need is how I give love on Earth to Jesus.

Chris: My gift to Jesus is giving to the poor; I will gather up all my clothes that are too small and donate them to a charity. I will also gather up some food to give to the charity, too. I will also donate some money to the charity. This is my gift to Jesus, to give to the poor. I will give it to Saint Camillus Foundation. Giving to the poor is my gift to Jesus.

Braden: This year, I have two things that are my gifts for Jesus. The first one is trying to pray more to Him. The second one is trying to stop and spend more time with Him and think about Him more. Also to try to become closer to Him and try to stay focused on Him more. These are some of the gifts that I am trying to give Jesus.

Annabelle: My gift to Jesus is to build a relationship with Him. I want to go to heaven someday. I can build a better relationship with Jesus by going to church often. I can read the Bible more. The last way to get closer to God is by praying more often. This is how I can get a closer relationship with God. By going to church more and reading the Bible more often, also praying more than I used to.

Zach: God gives us many things like eternal life, the world, faith, hope, love and charity. He wants us to give something back to Him. We can pray to Him to repay Him for everything He has given us. Praying can make Him really happy but it’s also even better if you go to Mass and Confession. Since God gives so many great things, the least we can do is some good things for Him like praying and going to Mass.

Eighth grade

Tyler: There is one thing God really wants to have with us, and that thing is a relationship. God has two goals. One goal is us to get to Heaven, and the other is to have a relationship with us. The relationship with God is the most important thing. With a relationship, we are closer to God in a spiritual way. We also want to have a relationship with God and get to Heaven. So if we have the relationship with God, we will have a better chance of going to Heaven, because we will be on good terms with God. God really wants to have a relationship with us while we’re still alive on Earth.

Tessa: My gift to Jesus would be trying to make peace in the world so everyone would respect and care for each other. Not enough people stop and thank Jesus for sacrificing His life for us so we could live and have eternal life. I would also like to give Him love on earth because I feel like some people despise other people. Different races don’t trust each other as much. I would tell Him thank you for giving up Your life for all of us. I want to give Jesus peace and love on Earth.

Evan: I think all God wants is for us on Earth to get along. There are a lot of lost people in the world. Some are not bad people; they should just try to follow God and try to get to Heaven. I think this is the best thing we on Earth can do for Jesus. My gift to Him is to follow Him and try to get to Heaven.

Ethan: I think my gift to God is buying gifts for the needy. There is a family that is poor, so our family is going to buy gifts for them. There are a lot of families that are too poor and can’t get any gifts. We can get them a hoodie, socks, pants or a warm coat. Jesus wants us to care for each other and the needy. This is my gift to Jesus.

Many thanks to Principal Janice Markway and the faculty of St. Mary School for gathering the students’ answers.
