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Thursday, January 23
Kathy Coulson never stopped being a teacher. Her students are quite different now. “Just as a classroom teacher observes and assesses each student, learning their personal strengths …
Thursday, January 23
In six years as a Coordinator of the School Improvement Process for the Jefferson City diocese, Nancy Heberlie has visited nearly every Catholic school in these 38 counties. At each, she …
Thursday, January 23
CLICK HERE to read Bishop McKnight’s “Making Connections” column on this topic. CLICK HERE to read a related perspective. No one can dispute the power of sacred music to …
Thursday, January 23
Father Alexis Ekka entrusted his health and safety to Almighty God upon arriving in Jefferson City 14 years and three months ago. The Lord provided. “God has kept me safe and sound …
Thursday, January 23
“Today, we raise our hearts in gratitude and admiration for a remarkable woman who has devoted 50 years to shaping minds, nurturing spirits, and leaving an indelible mark on the community of …
Thursday, January 23
Music inspires and uplifts us. It connects us to loved ones and special memories. When I hear a hymn my mother or father loved, my heart is warm. It’s as if we are reunited, despite …
Thursday, January 23
CLICK HERE to read a related perspective CLICK HERE to read a related story. HAGA CLIC AQUÍ para leer este mensaje en español. When we sing together in the liturgy, the …
Thursday, January 23
Darrin Hartman is the choir director at Sacred Heart School and has lived in Sedalia his whole life. His appreciation for music began early in life and, fostered by his parents, Hartman has made …
Thursday, January 23
Bishop W. Shawn McKnight issued the following statement Jan. 20 for Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day: Today, we honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his …
Thursday, January 23
Father Joseph Detwiler, associate pastor of St. Patrick Parish in Wentzville in the St. Louis archdiocese, gave the following invocation at the Governor’s Prayer Breakfast on Jan. 15 in …
Thursday, January 23
Catholic Charities of Central and Northern Missouri (CCCNMO) is committed to caring for our neighbors in need throughout the Diocese of Jefferson City. Within the Community Services program, …
Thursday, January 23
La música nos inspira y eleva. Nos conecta con nuestros seres queridos y recuerdos especiales. Cuando escucho un himno que le gustaba mi madre o mi padre, mi corazón se llena de …
Thursday, January 23
Cuando cantamos juntos en la liturgia, el Espíritu Santo se mueve entre nosotros. El canto litúrgico es un acto de fe que resuena profundamente en nuestros corazones; no es solo la …
Wednesday, January 22
Jesus quotes Isaiah to define his mission: “He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free.” In this spirit of …
Tuesday, January 14
It was a time to celebrate, to pray and to hope. Hundreds of friends, family members, colleagues and supporters of newly elected Gov. Mike Kehoe joined him and Bishop W. Shawn McKnight at Mass …
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Jefferson City MO 65109-0914
(573) 635-9127