Bishop McKnight
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CLICK HERE to read Bishop McKnight’s “Making Connections” column on this topic. CLICK HERE to read a related perspective. No one can dispute the power of sacred music to … more
CLICK HERE to read a related perspective CLICK HERE to read a related story. HAGA CLIC AQUÍ para leer este mensaje en español. When we sing together in the liturgy, the … more
Bishop W. Shawn McKnight issued the following statement Jan. 20 for Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day: Today, we honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his … more
Cuando cantamos juntos en la liturgia, el Espíritu Santo se mueve entre nosotros. El canto litúrgico es un acto de fe que resuena profundamente en nuestros corazones; no es solo la … more
It was a time to celebrate, to pray and to hope. Hundreds of friends, family members, colleagues and supporters of newly elected Gov. Mike Kehoe joined him and Bishop W. Shawn McKnight at Mass … more
CLICK HERE to read a related story. HAGA CLIC AQUÍ para leer un informe relacionado en español. The Jubilee Year of Pilgrims of Hope invites all of us into a season of … more
CLICK HERE to see a gallery of photos from the Opening Mass. CLICK HERE to read a related article on norms for receiving a plenary indulgence during the Jubilee Year. CLICK HERE to read a … more
Jonathan Pund thought people in his “Parishes as Communities of the Beatitudes” faith-sharing group might hold back somewhat because the bishop was participating with them. The Holy … more
Este Año de Jubileo: Peregrinos de la Esperanza, nos invita a todos a una época de renovación, un tiempo para abrazar la esperanza que Cristo nos ofrece, especialmente ante los … more
CLICK HERE to read the text of Bishop McKnight’s homily CLICK HERE to see a gallery of photos from Fr. Clever’s Ordination Mass. CLICK HERE to see a gallery of photos from Fr. … more
CLICK HERE to read a related story. Bishop McKnight preached the following homily Dec. 7 during the Ordination Mass for Father Gregory Clever: In this season of Advent, a season of joyful … more
Sacred music’s power to move hearts and orient people toward unity with God and his entire Church has been evident since Christianity’s earliest days. Recognizing that power, and … more
CLICK HERE to see a gallery of photos from this event.,5569 What could be … more
The act of voting is an expression of faith. When we make our choices this Election Day, we are empowered in that moment to advocate for justice, uphold human dignity, and promote the values of … more
The following statement is from Missouri’s Roman Catholic bishops, functioning as the officers of the Missouri Catholic Conference, the Church’s public-policy agency in this state. … more
The following was written for and published in America magazine and online media (October 2024) and is republished here with permission: By Bishop W. Shawn McKnight Last June, I … more
SCROLL THE ARROWS to see additional land maps. “Use it up. Wear it out. Make it do, or do without.” The people of Immaculate Conception Parish in Jefferson City have been … more
SCROLL THE ARROWS to see more photos. The stone for the iconic Our Lady Help of Christians Church in Frankenstein came from Russ Kremer’s family’s farm. Now, this … more
SCROLL THE ARROWS to see more photos. CLICK HERE to see a gallery of photos from this event. CLICK HERE to see a highlight video from this event. Members of the Steinman family drew … more
The Catholic standpoint on life is grounded in a simple truth — that all human beings are made in the image and likeness of God. Our Church professes that human life is sacred from the … more
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